Monday, June 18, 2018

My 3 most highly recommended choices at Yummy Food Show 2018

Starting from 21st to 24th of June 2018, (Thursday to Sunday) 11am to 10pm daily, do come on down to the Yummy Food Show 2018 (free admission) at Singapore EXPO Hall 5. It is going to be a very well worthwhile purchasing and tasting on all kinds of delicious foodies.

More than 150 manufacturing suppliers and caterers participating, it definitely makes this food exhibition the focus of much attention in Singapore!

First of all, let me recommend my 3 favorite foods’ choices to everyone & share the whys!

#1 ASM Global BienenBaron honey

Their services was efficient and delivery was prompt. In fact I am not a honey lover but there is once when I had a bad sore throat with cough, 1 of my friend recommended to me to try their honey. Soon enough, soothed my throat & I can sing freely again. It taste really great especially when I mix them for chicken grilling. I would also recommend their honey rice crackers & popcorn.

Visit ASM Global Marketing at Booth H25 and remember to RSVP to

#2 Everything Good Cutie Buns 

I would recommend this cute little buns because there is no way I can miss it because those buns are too cute! I won’t bear to eat it after buying back. However, the taste is great when the bun enters my mouth. The best part is, most flavours is suitable for vegetarian lovers.
Visit Everything Good at Booth N25 and remember to RSVP to

#3 Gastronomic Paradise of Taiwan Delights

Having a widespread of irresistible variety Taiwan delights that I can choose from, I prefer the Taiwanese Oyster Mee Sua & Crispy Chicken cutlet set most. It is super tasty & also value for money not forgetting to add on their special made topping (Mango Mayonnaise) squeezed on the yummy crispy chicken cutlet. Awesome!

Visit Paradise Gastronomy at Booth N26 and remember to RSVP to

Saturday, June 9, 2018


獅城萬總矚目的【Yummy Food Expo 美味飲食展】就在 6月21至24日在 Singapore Expo Hall 5 隆重引爆啦!趕快把你們的時間保留下來,因為這一場美食展集結了將近150家的商家,五花八門、各式各樣的產品及美食,趕快一起探索其中的奧妙吧!


#1 focuswater 天然抗氧化鹼性淨水器

只要購買 FP488 天然抗氧化鹼性淨水器(韓國製造)時,就能享有 50%OFF。 *安裝費用將收取$ 100 新元。

它的優點包括:節省空間,無堵塞,帶快速扭轉濾芯,便於更換。 基本上為您提供充滿天然抗氧化劑和鹼性物質的水,類似於長壽村莊中發現的泉水。這台好處多餘弊的淨水器你怎麼能錯過呢?

探索 Focus SG Pte Ltd 的展位只在 H01。

#2 ASM Global 的 Bienen Baron 蜂蜜

當天在美味飲食展的朋友有福啦!他們推出了限量版套裝@ $ 39.90(價值超過70新元)



探索 ASM Global Marketing 的展位只在 H25。

#3 Coeus Vigor Pte Ltd 來自韓國的健康飲料

由薄切片柚子果皮和蜂蜜製成的 Dooraeone 蜂蜜茶(所有類型)非常適合感冒和流感。
特價12.90 新元/瓶(UP:15.90 新元),2瓶 22 新元。

Dooreone Aronia - 100%果汁全天然,不含糖和防腐劑,使其成為日常飲用的健康飲料。
特價29.90 新元/瓶(UP:39.90 新元)

探索 Coeus Vigor 展位只在 K03。

#4 Leting Trading Little Couples Q Noodles

台灣暢銷的麵條(1包@ 10.90 新元),100%用 5 種特製的調味醬手工曬乾,以配合不同類型的麵條。

2包@ 17.90 新元
3包@ 23.90 新元
5包@ 36.90 新元

探索 Leting Trading 展位只在 H07。

#5 MP Thai Sausage 泰國正宗美食

香蘭雞翅膀,炸豬排和更多食品! 想要尋找泰國食物的最佳方式就是立刻走出你的舒適區,進入 2018 美味飲食展啦,嘗試一些你平常很難吃到或找到的美食。

探索 MP Thai Sausage 展位只在 H31。

我介紹了那麼多,是不是也在蠢蠢欲動了呢?別猶豫了,錯過可就要等下一次咯!趕快通知你的親朋好友,一同到 Yummy Food Expo 買東西吃東西~ 當天還有很多餘興節目及表演等著你們哦,還有各種比賽及禮品,趕快行動吧!

現在到 Singapore Food Shows 的官方臉書就能知道各種詳情及遊戲贏取禮品哦!


參與遊戲贏取 iPhone 8 活動:

活動當天還有由 Roastedly 舉辦的滴濾咖啡袋比賽,目前已開放註冊,冠軍將在2018年美味飲食展上獲得獎杯以及現金獎6,888元。這麼好的機會,您怎麼能錯過!




Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Importance of Good Nutrition

Your daily food choices make a big difference in your health.

Why It's Important

Most people know good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight. But the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help:

Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis

* Reduce high blood pressure
* Lower high cholesterol
* Improve your well-being
* Improve your ability to fight off illness
* Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury
* Increase your energy level
* What Is Good Nutrition?
* Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best. Plan your meals and snacks to include nutrient-dense foods that are also low in calories.

Tips for Eating Well

Eat plenty of fruit - To get the benefit of the natural fiber in fruits, you should eat fruit whole rather than as juices.

Eat plenty of vegetables - Eat a variety of colors and types of vegetables every day.

Eat plenty of whole grains - At least half of the cereals, breads, crackers, and pastas you eat should be made from whole grains.

Choose low fat or fat free milk - These provide calcium and vitamin D to help keep your bones strong.

Choose lean meats - Lean cuts of meat and poultry have less fat and fewer calories but are still good sources of protein.

Try other sources of protein - Try replacing meats and poultry with fish, beans, or tofu.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Paying off your flat might be the worst mistake of your life

A common piece of financial advice is to “pay off your home loan as soon as possible”. While this may be applicable in other countries, Singaporeans should think twice – rushing to pay off your flat has relatively few benefits, in exchange for the risk it brings. Here’s why it might be a bad idea:

Why there are few advantages to paying off your flat early

The main reason most people want to pay off their flat is psychological: It might give you peace of mind to know that your home – a major debt – is paid up. But what if we told you that peace of mind can easily be shattered, and turned into a prolonged nightmare?

Here’s why:

1. You cannot easily convert your flat to cash during emergencies

Time and again, we come across Singaporeans with fully paid-up flats, who are so broke they’re re-using coffee powder. How does this happen?

Let us explain: Say you have $160,000 remaining on your HDB loan. After years of saving, you manage to accumulate $100,000 – either in cash or your CPF.

Then you stumble across a web article that tells you to “End your debt! Pay off your home loan as soon as you can!”

You then take the $100,000, and pour it all into your HDB loan repayment. Congratulations, you now owe just $60,000.

A few weeks down the road, you encounter an emergency. Perhaps you lose your job, or a loved one needs expensive surgery.

Consider your situation when that happens: You have $0 to deal with the problem, as your $100,000 has been poured into your HDB loan. It’s true you only owe $60,000 on your flat now, but of what use is that? That isn’t going to help you pay your bills.

Ironically, it can even cost you the flat. If you lose your job and can’t pay the mortgage, you will lose your home even if you “only owe $60,000”.

But, if you had kept the $100,000 in savings, you could have continued to service the mortgage for years, and had more time to find another income source. At the very least, you could have taken your time to sell and downgrade, making sure you got the best price.

So before you rush your loan repayment, decide if you’re prepared to deal with emergencies. If you insist on repaying your flat early, make sure you set aside sufficient savings for six months of your income first.

As an aside, note that borrowers who use a private bank loan have a partial solution to this. If they make a mistake and pay too early, they can use cash out refinancing (a home equity loan) to get money out of their house again. But this isn’t a cheap or fast option, and don’t always assume it’s available.

If you want to get money out of your house this way, speak to one of our mortgage experts at We’ll find you the best mortgage deal among all the local banks.

2. You may not be making sufficient preparations for retirement

Instead of sinking a huge amount into early repayment, consider using the money for a retirement fund instead. This is safer than pouring all your money into the flat, and then considering the flat to be your retirement fund.

If you have a proper financial plan, you can build a comfortable retirement income, while still managing to pay off your flat before 62. For example: Let’s say you borrow $315,000 for your HDB flat. At an interest rate of 2.6 per cent per annum (HDB Concessionary Loan), you would make monthly repayments of $1,261 over 30 years. Let’s also assume you are 35 years old when you take the loan.

Now, assume you’re able to set aside $500 a month in savings.

If you put that $500 a month into repaying your home loan faster (thus paying about $1,571 per month) you would pay off your HDB flat in more or less 22 years, instead of 30 years.

Your flat would be paid off by the time you are 57 years old. However, you wouldn’t have any retirement savings, as all of it has gone into the flat. Assuming you keep working to 65, eight years is a very short time to build a fund that will last the next 25 years (age 65 to 90).